Breeding Program
KSDS Assistance Dogs, Inc. has developed a breeding program consisting of yellow and black Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers.
Our breeder dogs are specifically chosen based on:
- temperament
- physical confirmation
- willingness to learn and serve
- health clearances (hips, elbows, eyes, heart)
KSDS strives to place dogs who are expected to be able to assist their partner for eight to ten years.
KSDS Shares an International Breeding Stock
As an accredited member of Assistance Dogs International, we share breeding stock with other member schools. Accredited schools like KSDS are enrolled in the International Breeding Cooperative (IBC). As part of the IBC, KSDS has the opportunity to share breeding stock, or dogs, with outstanding genetic lineage. Our breeding program allows for the production of dogs best suited for the tasks they are asked to perform on a daily basis.
“When do you start training the dogs?”
KSDS puppies begin their training on Day 3 of life! Besides daily weights, puppies are given daily neurological stimulation from Day 3 to 16. The stimulation consists of gently holding the puppy in various positions for three to five seconds, slowly spinning the puppy, applying thermal stimulation via a warm, damp towel, and tactical stimulation, such as running a Q-tip through their toes. The puppies are also exposed to different scents and sounds during this time. Exercises and notes about each puppy are recorded in their charts each day, too.
New activities are introduced each day, including:
- brushing gums with fingers, then working up to a toothbrush
- trimming nails
- brushing hair with soft bristled brushes
- being away from mom for 30 minutes, then an hour, then two, etc…
- close proximity to a cat
- car rides
- mock vet exams
- being around someone with a mask or hat
- outside time with mom
- watching mom work
- introduce clicker training during meals
Around four or five weeks of age, we welcome the public to help socialize KSDS puppies. A variety of ages, voices, and genders are needed to help the puppies become acclimated to the public they will encounter in life. Generally, two times a week we have kids come in for a 30 minute play session with the puppies. Three days a week we have adult volunteers come to work with the pups. During these sessions, puppies are acclimated to grooming tools and training equipment like a collar, leash, crate, and a baby bib. The bib is placed on their back to imitate a vest.
Interacting with the puppies around items such as a vacuum or mobility aids like a walker, cane, or wheelchair are added. Our volunteers teach the puppies how to sit, lie down, and confidently walk on a leash. The puppies are taken outside to experience being on different surfaces such as grass, turf, concrete, gravel, and rocks. The puppies eventually begin walking on the sidewalk along the highway to experience the sounds of trucks and other traffic driving through town.
If you are interested in helping us socialize our puppies, call us at 785-325-2256.